There are several different approaches one can take when trying to control mosquitoes. These options may include reducing the mosquito breeding areas, secondly reducing ones exposure to mosquitoes, and thirdly treating mosquitoes with effective control products, thus eliminating them all together.
Larvacides targets mosquito larvae in their breeding habitat before they can mature into an adult. Larvacide products are applied directly into the water as a liquid or granular pellets and are consumed by the mosquito larvae.
Bti (bacillus thuringiensis israelensis) is a naturally occurring bacteria that is commonly used as a natural larvacide. Bti pellets are dropped into mosquito breeding areas where the larvae eat the bacteria, quickly killing them. Bti is not harmful to animals, birds and most other insects.
Methoprene is an insect growth regulator used to control mosquito larvae. Methoprene applications interrupt the life cycle of the mosquito and prevent it from reaching maturity and reproducing. Methoprene degrades rapidly in water and is slightly toxic to some fish species.
Adulticides targets the adult life cycle of mosquitoes. They are commonly applied as ultra-low volume sprays (ULV) or through fog. Adulticides provide quick, powerful, and immediate response.
Malathion is an organophosphate often used to treat crops against a wide array of insects. It can be sprayed directly onto vegetation, such as the bushes where mosquitoes like to rest, or used in a 5 percent solution to fog the yard. In the small amounts used for mosquito control it poses no threat to humans or wildlife. In fact, malathion is also used to kill head lice.
Permethrin is one of a group of chemicals called pyrethroids, a synthetic form of a natural insecticide found in chrysanthemum flowers. It usually is mixed with oil or water and applied as a mist, about 1/100th of a pound per acre. Like malathion, permethrin kills mosquitoes by disrupting their central nervous systems. Not harmful to people and animals in small amounts, but it is toxic to fish and bees.
Space Sprays
Aerosol space sprays can be used to kill adult mosquitoes. Space sprays can be used indoors when mosquitoes get inside the house. They provide immediate knockdown using synergized pyrethrum.
Mosquito Traps
There are several variations of mosquito traps that utilize different methods of attracting and killing mosquitoes. CO2 systems, lighting arrays, attractant lures, Heat systems, and catch systems are common features found on mosquito traps.
Mechanical Barriers
Mosquitoes can be kept out of a home using mesh screens on doors and windows. Outdoor living furniture and structures can also be screened to keep mosquitoes out.
Vegetation Management
Adult mosquitoes prefer to rest on plants and vegetation. Reducing the number of areas they can fi nd shelter and replacing these areas with plants that deter mosquitoes can help reduce populations such as: Basil, Lavender, Lemon Grass, Lemon Thyme, Mint, and Rosemary.