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Mosquito.buzz Blog

Stay outside all Summer long with expert tips to avoid mosquitoes and ticks.

Connor Hewson

Connor Hewson

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Author's Posts

Tick Tips For Spring: Property Management

3 Min

Hey - spring is almost here! After a long, dark Canadian winter, it's nice to finally #StayOutside and spend some time enjoying the comforts of our backyards. When the weather is so nice, the company so great, and the views so cozy, what is there to worry about, really?

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What Happens After A Mosquito Bite

3 Min

Ah, another lovely summers day in Canada. The sun is shining, the grass is green, and... OW! A mosquito comes along out of nowhere to ruin your backyard bliss with an ill-timed bite. What follows is an itching sensation, some skin irritation, and oftentimes a pink, raised bump to remind you for days of the winged pest that spoiled your perfect afternoon. Darn it all! 

Why do mosquitoes bite us innocent humans? And why does my body react the way it does when it happens? Find out the answers to these questions and more in our latest mosquito.buzz blog.

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Topics: Mosquitoes 101, Mosquito Bite Prevention, mosquito.buzz

What Happens To Ticks In Winter?

3 Min

Sleigh bells ring, are you listening? In our yards, ticks are missing... 

Wow, can you believe that December is here already? Time to break out the Christmas records, put up the holiday lights, and dust off the warm winter jacket (preferably orange, if possible) before the temperatures drop to teeth-chattering levels here in Canada.

While each of these DIY tasks are important in their own way, there is one winter assignment that we at mosquito.buzz value over all others: tick-proofing your property. Because while some pests do die out in the winter due to the onset of colder weather, ticks are unfortunately not one of them. Bah humbug, we say! 

While ticks are much less prevalent and pose less of a threat to you or your pets in winter than they would in, say, spring and fall, you should still keep an eye out for those pesky arachnids during the colder months, especially if you live near heavily-wooded areas with large populations of deer, rabbits or mice. If certain factors exist, it is possible for ticks to be active and latch on to someone or something when looking for a warm place to hide...

Read on to learn more about what happens to ticks in the winter.

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Topics: Ticks 101, Tick Bite Prevention

Tips For Fall Tick Season

5 Min

Woo-ha - fall is here! Even though we love summer with a passion here at mosquito.buzz, it's nice to experience the many joys that a Canadian fall has to offer as well. You know, the orange leaves and orange hoodies and orange pumpkins and orange...oh wait, there seems to be a theme here. You could say we're suckers for orange here at MB! 

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Topics: Ticks 101, Tick Bite Prevention

What Happens After The Bite?

2 Min

Tick bites ain't nothing to mess with! If you or your pet are bitten by a tick, it's important not to panic. React swiftly, but calmly as well. If followed properly, these next steps will help to lower the risk of further damage, and help to get the tick away from you or your pet as soon as possible. 

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Topics: Ticks 101, Tick Bite Prevention

Protect Your Property From Ticks This Fall

3 Min

Ticks, ticks go away, come again another (non-fall) day. If you're worried about ticks ruining your fall bliss, know that you're not alone! October is a great time of year for staying outside and enjoying your property, but is also notorious for being a high-risk tick season in certain parts of Canada. That's something we're definitely not thankful for!

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Topics: Ticks 101, Tick Bite Prevention

When Is Mosquito Season Over?

3 Min
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Topics: Mosquitoes 101, Mosquito Bite Prevention

Protect Your Pets From Tick Bites This Fall

6 Min

Fall is great season for pet owners in Canada. The air is crisp and cool for walks, the summer heat has died down, and beds of leaves exist for our pets to play in. What more could we want for our furry friends? 

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Topics: Ticks 101, Tick Bite Prevention

Tick Risk Areas In Canada

4 Min
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Topics: Ticks 101, Tick Bite Prevention

What Is Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever?

5 Min

Wow, where did the summer go? Just as I was beginning to 'fall' for my summer routine, it seems like autumn is nearly here and August is almost over. That means, unfortunately, that tick season is upon on; and with it the potential to be infected with the various tick-borne illnesses that they can spread...

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Topics: Ticks 101, Tick Bite Prevention