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Mosquito.buzz Blog

Stay outside all Summer long with expert tips to avoid mosquitoes and ticks.

How To Tame Ticks This Fall

2 Min

Ticks are not just a spring and summer problem, folks! In fact, some of the more dangerous tick species like the blacklegged (deer) tick are very active during this time of year, using the warmer-than-usual temperatures and ample leaf litter to hide out and plot their attack. 

Right now, ticks across the country are gearing up for a blood meal, which is required for them to stay alive and keep their clock ticking before winter hits, as they can remain active at any time of year when the temperature is above freezing. Don't let your property or body be a hunting ground along the way!

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Topics: Ticks 101, Tick Control

Add Tick Control To Your Service!

2 Min

Don't let ticks ruin your summer!

Ticks are an opportunistic pest. Right now, they're gearing up for a blood meal - which is required for them to stay alive. They're active all year round but are most common in spring and fall.

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Topics: Ottawa, Ticks 101, Tick Control

How Ticks Spread Lyme Disease

5 Min

Tick bites are more than just an annoyance for Canadians, they are potentially dangerous because of the growing number of Lyme disease infected ticks. The disease was first recognized in Connecticut in 1975, and is caused by a bacteria called Borrelia burgdorferi  transmitted to humans through the bite of an infectious blacklegged tick.

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Topics: Ticks 101, Tick Bite Prevention, Tick Treatment

How To Tame Ticks This Spring

2 Min

Ticks are active all year round, but are most common in Spring and Fall. Ticks will begin biting as soon as temperatures are consistently above 7 degrees... aka right now!

Once better weather hits across Canada, so do the ticks. Right now, ticks across the country are gearing up for a blood meal, which is required for them to stay alive and keep their clock ticking.

How To Avoid Tick Bites

  • Wear closed-toe shoes and long-sleeved clothing
  • Tuck your pants into your socks. You'll look a bit ridiculous, but it works!
  • Wear light coloured clothing to help you spot potential ticks easier
  • Wash yourself as soon as you get home to get rid of any loose ticks
  • Do a full body check on yourself, your kids, or your pets if you've come back from a tick prone area
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Topics: Ticks 101, Tick Bite Prevention, Tick Control

How To Remove A Tick

3 Min

Yikes! You've just arrived home after a beautiful fall walk in the woods and happen to find a big, fat tick hanging out on your body. Time to panic, right?

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Topics: Ticks 101, Tick Bite Prevention, Tick Control

A Guide To Lyme Disease In Canada

5 Min

From coast to coast and peak to peak, Lyme disease is on the rise in Canada. 

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Topics: Ticks 101, Tick Bite Prevention, Get rid of ticks, Tick Treatment

Where To Check For Ticks

3 Min

May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month in North America - a great initiative that we at mosquito.buzz are honoured to take part in every year. Lyme disease is caused by a type of bacteria called Borrelia burgdorferi, which can be transferred to humans through the bite of an infected blacklegged tick. Ticks become infected with Lyme disease by feeding on infected wild animals such as deer, birds, and small rodents, many of which can spread throughout the country by hitching rides on the backs of migratory birds. 

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Topics: Ticks 101, Tick Bite Prevention, tick spray, Tick Control

Tick Season Has Arrived In Ottawa

2 Min

Now more than ever, we understand just how important your outdoor spaces are going to be for you this spring and summer in the Ottawa region. Instead of being driven away from your backyards and into your bedrooms because of pesky and potentially dangerous ticks, we want you and your family to spread out and enjoy your precious spaces this season, worry-free.

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Topics: Ottawa, Ticks 101, mosquitobuzz, tick spray, Tick Control, mosquito.buzz, Get rid of ticks, Tick Pesticide, Tick Treatment

What Happens To Mosquitoes And Ticks In Winter?

2 Min

After a long summer of swatting mosquitoes and checking loved ones for ticks, many Canadians are itching for winter to start and pest season to end. While your chances of being bitten by mosquitoes and ticks in cold Canadian weather are slim to none, it's not because they've gone the way of the snowbird and fled to Florida. Many species are still technically around, having gone dormant until warmer weather returns. Let's learn more!

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Topics: Mosquitoes 101, Ticks 101

May Is Lyme Disease Awareness Month

4 Min

With May being Lyme Disease Awareness Month in North America, now is the time to get educated on Lyme disease and the pests that spread it. That's why we've dedicated this blog to doing just that!

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Topics: Ticks 101, Tick Bite Prevention