Life is too short not to stay outside in the summer! Camping with friends and family can be a fun and rewarding adventure, but with the risk of mosquitoes and ticks, it’s important to stay safe and follow the proper precautions. You know, the ones outlined by your friendly neighbourhood!
In this blog, we’ll go through our best solutions to protect yourself from getting bitten by mosquitoes and ticks, so you can have a completely worry-free camping trip from start to finish. Get lost in nature, not clouds of mosquitoes on your next excursion!
Camp Away From Water

Plus, it will make that inevitable plunge into the lake that much sweeter when you have to work to get there! Also, try to pick a spot with a good breeze when setting up camp for the weekend. Mosquitoes are weak fliers, so even the slightest breeze will help stop them from approaching you and wreaking havoc on your campsite.
Keep Your Head On A Swivel
Mosquitoes also tend to wait around in trees and shrubs before they pick their targets and go for a blood meal, so it’s safe to say they’ll be around every corner if you’re camping in one of Canada's beautiful wooded areas.
To mitigate the risk of mosquito or tick bites, wear long sleeved clothing to cover your skin. Mosquitoes can bite through tight weave, so a loose fit is a better option. If you’re going for a walk or a hike, especially in the woods, tuck your pants into your socks as well.
Stay Away From Dense Brush
Ticks prefer to hang low, in tall grasses or wooded areas. They also dry out quite easily, so the woods give them a moist, shady environment to live in.
Stick To The Trails
Ticks don’t fly like mosquitoes do, and they can’t jump, so the only way they’ll attach themselves to you is if you brush past something that a tick is waiting around on, at which point they usually crawl upwards to find their blood meal. If you’re out in the woods, stick to walking trails and don’t get too intimate with grassy or woody areas.
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