TICKS: As the temperatures increase, we will start to see the return of biting insects. IT'S TICK SEASON! There are lots of articles in the news these days about ticks and the diseases that they transmit. Protect you, your family, and pets from nasty disease carrying ticks. Our technicians will focus the treatments on the areas where ticks live, quest, and hide. For clients with scheduled tick services, applications will begin in late April / early May and will be completed throughout May.
MOSQUITOES: Our mosquito control services start as soon as the foliage is out on the trees/shrubs (beginning late May weather permitting). We will then return in approximately 14 days for the second application, to ensure a good barrier is in place once more foliage emerges. For more information, visit us at: mosquito.buzz or call or text 613-231-2899 (buzz).