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Mosquito.buzz Blog

Stay outside all Summer long with expert tips to avoid mosquitoes and ticks.

Give Patio Customers a Mosquito Free Dining Experience

4 Min

You may've had the cheesiest most amazing french onion soup. Your waitress might've had the loveliest smile. Your cocktail could've got you just the right amount of tipsy. And your crème brûlée might've been torched to perfection, with the much anticipated 'crack' meeting your highest expectations.

But if you sat through multiple mosquito bites during your dining experience, it'd be safe to say those fond memories were overshadowed by another more irritating one.

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Topics: Mosquito Bite Prevention, Stay Outside

6 Essential Herbs That Repel Mosquitoes

3 Min

Fresh herbs are a staple in every healthy home. They're handy for a bunch of reasons; from adding extra nutrition (and not to mention flavour) to home-cooked meals, or for soothing miscellaneous ailments, a few sprigs of your favourite herb can go a long way.

While most of us are quite keen on herbs (except for almost half the population that despise cilantro), mosquitoes aren't too fond of them.

6 herbs in particular are pretty good in helping deter mosquitoes around the home and backyard. Now, don't get us wrong; they're not going to eliminate mosquitoes completely, but they'll give you a good chance at warding them off.

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Topics: Mosquito Bite Prevention, Stay Outside

A Guide To Repelling Mosquitoes: What Doesn't Work

4 Min

Let's face it - nobody really like mosquitoes. Although we love the great outdoors, much of our time outside is spent unsuccessfully warding off biting pests.

From cheap as chips to not so much, there's a range of products out there for repelling mosquitoes, and the average Canadian has probably tried most of them.

Here's a quick guide to the types of products you should just scratch off the shopping list.

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Topics: Mosquito Bite Prevention, Stay Outside

Say No To The Mosquito At Your Outdoor Party

4 Min

How good is Summer? Especially when you have your own backyard and some crazy friends and family... what's the point of even going out? Your backyard doesn't have cover charges, closing hours or long queues, so why not keep the party going til whenever o'clock?

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Topics: Mosquitoes 101, Mosquito Bite Prevention, Stay Outside

Avoid Mosquito Bites and Stay Outside this Summer

3 Min

Of course we all want to avoid mosquito bites, but how many of us actually take the proper precautions? Apart from just spraying your skin with a repellent when you're spending time outside, there's a lot of simple things you can do to avoid getting bitten by mosquitoes this season.

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Topics: Mosquito Bite Prevention, Stay Outside