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Mosquito.buzz Blog

Stay outside all Summer long with expert tips to avoid mosquitoes and ticks.

Mosquito.Buzz Ottawa Services are Beginning Soon

2 Min

Mosquito.Buzz Services are Beginning Soon. 

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Topics: Mosquitoes 101, Mosquito Bite Prevention, mosquito.buzz

What Colours Are Mosquitoes Attracted To?

2 Min

We’ve heard it time and time again; there’s something about you, in particular, that mosquitoes just love. Is it your whimsical personality? No, probably not. Your exquisite taste in music, literature and film? Nope. Not that either. Is it something about your aura? Well, sort of.

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Topics: Mosquito Bite Prevention, Stay Outside, mosquito.buzz

A Collection Of 10 Eye-Popping Mosquito Facts

5 Min

At first glance mosquitoes might seem like simple creatures to us humans. They suck our blood, harass our families, carry nasty diseases, and breed like crazy in the woods. Rinse and repeat, nothing more to see.

But is that really the case? Well, you'll have to read our list of 10 eye-popping mosquito facts to find out! Let's just say there are a few tidbits that might surprise you... 

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Topics: Mosquitoes 101, Mosquito Bite Prevention, mosquito.buzz

What Happens After A Mosquito Bite

3 Min

Ah, another lovely summers day in Canada. The sun is shining, the grass is green, and... OW! A mosquito comes along out of nowhere to ruin your backyard bliss with an ill-timed bite. What follows is an itching sensation, some skin irritation, and oftentimes a pink, raised bump to remind you for days of the winged pest that spoiled your perfect afternoon. Darn it all! 

Why do mosquitoes bite us innocent humans? And why does my body react the way it does when it happens? Find out the answers to these questions and more in our latest mosquito.buzz blog.

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Topics: Mosquitoes 101, Mosquito Bite Prevention, mosquito.buzz

How To Avoid Mosquitoes And Ticks In The Woods

3 Min

No matter how old you are, spending time outside in the woods can be a great way to connect with yourself and nature. What’s not to love about getting exercise AND enjoying breathtaking views at the same time? 

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Topics: Mosquitoes 101, Mosquito Bite Prevention, Tick Control, mosquito.buzz

Mosquito Control Awareness Week FAQ's

3 Min

Mosquito Control Awareness Week in North America is one of our favourite weeks of the season. With our Canadian summer now in full swing, it's important to learn about controlling mosquito populations around your property, as well as the diseases that mosquitoes can spread if not monitored properly. 

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Topics: Mosquitoes 101, Mosquito-borne Infections, Mosquito Bite Prevention, mosquito.buzz

Keep Your Backyard Mosquito-Free With The 3 D's.

3 Min

We all want to avoid mosquito bites in our own backyards, but how many of us actually take the proper precautions when push comes to shove? Apart from just blasting your skin with a repellent when you’re spending time outside, there’s a lot of simple things you can do to avoid getting bitten by mosquitoes this season. Preparation is key, if you will. 

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Topics: Mosquitoes 101, Mosquito-borne Infections, Mosquito Bite Prevention, mosquito.buzz

Learn About The Mosquito Life Cycle

4 Min

Understanding the different stages of the mosquito’s life cycle can help prevent and effectively eliminate populations before they become a problem around your property. All mosquito species have four distinct stages to their life cycle: egg, Larvae, Pupa, and Adult, though the length of the cycle is dependent upon environmental conditions such as temperature and moisture. 

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Topics: Mosquitoes 101, Mosquito Bite Prevention

Camping 101: Tips For Avoiding Mosquitoes & Ticks

2 Min

Life is too short not to stay outside in the summer! Camping with friends and family can be a fun and rewarding adventure, but with the risk of mosquitoes and ticks, it’s important to stay safe and follow the proper precautions. You know, the ones outlined by your friendly neighbourhood mosquito.buzz!

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Topics: Mosquitoes 101, Mosquito Bite Prevention, Tick Bite Prevention

Beware the Cattail Mosquito

2 Min

There are approximately 2500 species of mosquitoes across the world and roughly 82 of those species can be found here in Canada. One mosquito species of particular interest is the Coquillettidia perturbans, aka the “cattail mosquito”.  Aside from being a major nuisance, the cattail mosquitoes are vectors for many diseases, including West Nile virus, and Eastern equine encephalomyelitis, among others.

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Topics: Ottawa, Mosquitoes 101, Mosquito Bite Prevention